北京瑞光极远数码科技有限公司于2002年成立于北京中关村,注册资本3000万元,并在郑州、成都和三亚设立了分支机构。瑞光极远是北京市瞪羚企业,是国家高新技术企业,是国内的通信设备制造商和智慧城市解决方案提供商。公司自成立就致力于通信产品的钻研和创新,先后推出了通信接入、通信传输、通信数据交换、融合通信、千兆以太网综合业务平台等产品。公司通信设备已被广泛应用于国内军队、政府、公安政法、能源行业、交通行业和工业等通信专网,并出口北欧、东欧、中东、东南亚以及北美等地区。公司紧跟信息社会发展步伐,持续创新,推出了基于GIS地理信息系统、数据库、工作流、物联网、自媒体网站于一体的智慧信息平台,服务于社会治理、智慧城市、智慧农业、智慧工业等。 “携智慧之瑞光,达理想之极远”。瑞光极远愿与新老朋友携手并肩,共攀新的高峰。公司网址:www.rdtcom.com www.zhihuiwangge.comRaytrans Co.,LTD. was established in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park in 2002 with registered capital of 30 million Yuan, and has set up branches in the cities of Zhengzhou, Chengdu and Sanya. Raytrans is one of leading providers in optical fiber communication solution and smart city solution, and has been awarded the titles of ‘Gazelle Enterprise’ and ‘National high-tech enterprise’.From the establishment Raytrans has been engaged in researching and developing communication products for more than 15 years, and has released a series of communication products in the applications of access network, transmission network, convergence network, data exchange and Gigabit Ethernet multi-service access network, etc. Raytrans’ communication products have been widely applied in domestic private networks of military, government, police and law, energy, traffic and industry, and have been exported to Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia and Northern America.Raytrans keeps on innovating and has released Intelligent Information Platform based on Geography Information System, data base, work-flow, internet of things and we-media website, which can service social governance, smart city, smart agriculture, smart industry, etc. Wisdom ray leads to a glorious future. Raytrans is looking forward to achieving a glorious future with both old and new friends.Website_58_ www.rdtcom.com www.zhihuiwangge.com
- 主要经营产品:
- PCM ; 电话光端机 ; 视频光端机 ; 协议转换器 ; 光端机 ; 光猫 ; 基站节能 ; 光纤到户(FTTO)
- 经营范围:
- 通讯设备组装;货物进出口、技术进出口、代理进出口;技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询、技术培训;销售计算机、软件及辅助设备、通讯设备;计算机系统服务;生产计算机软硬件;产品设计;专业承包;能源管理。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。
- 营业执照号码:
- 110108004271196
- 法人代表:
- 王琦
- 成立时间:
- 2002-08-16
- 职员人数:
- 20人
- 注册资本:
- 1850 (万元)
- 地址:北京 北京市海淀区上地中关村软件园东北旺西路8号院
- 邮编:100085
- 电话:51668966
- 销售部经理:杨明新
- 手机:18513241413
- 传真:86 10 51668955
- QQ:472585337
- Email:472585337@qq.com